DYNAMICS OF CLINICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ELEMENTS IN MECHANICAL BOWEL OBSTRUCTIONS–EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON ANIMALS (Abstract): Introduction: the bowel obstruction represents a syndrome with significant clinical and biological modifications. Material and methods: we performed an experimental study on Wistar rats in which we induced a mechanical bowel obstruction. One group of subjects was used as control, on another group we ligated the sigmoid colon with surgical thread and on the last group we ligated a small bowel loop. Aim: our objectives were to analyze, in different time moments (after 2 days and 4 days, respectively, from the moment of obstruction), the clinical modifications (temperature, diuresis, neurological symptoms, body weight, abdominal circumference) or the biological imbalances (by monitoring the blood count, serum glucose, urea, creatinine levels). Results: the initial protocol could not be fully complied with, due to the premature deaths of a few subjects with bowel obstruction in the jejunum. From the point of view of the clinical features, we noted the occurrence of dizziness, reduction of the appetite and changes in diuresis in a number of subjects. We observed variations of abdominal circumference, temperature curve and body weight of the rats. We also determined modifications of biological parameters such as hemoglobin values, serum platelet count, glycemic values, serum urea and creatinine. Conclusions: the bowel obstruction leads to the installation of major clinical and biological imbalances, with the occurrence of major systemic disorders, finally leading to death in the absence of a quick, adequate treatment.
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