
  • Viorel SCRIPCARIU ‟Grigore Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iași
  • Dana BARAN International Society for the History of Medicine
  • Eugen TARCOVEANU ‟Grigore Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iași


In his conference ‟The past and present status of Iași”, held in the University Hall of the City on November 29, 1931, Professor Grigore T. Popa, with a remarkable and visionary sense of reality, tells a truth that, even today, should disturb simple people, academics or politicians, remaining a constant reminder: “A first-rank University in Iași means placing Iași at the forefront of Romanian culture. A decayed University in Iași means the exit of this city from the determinant factors of national culture”. Fortunately, the first option has proved viable until today. The University of Iași opened on the 26th of October, 1860, and was the first modern one in the United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia. Within this University, the Faculty of Medicine could be inaugurated only in 1879, 1st of December. It was the result of harmonious collaboration between the Administration (Epitropia) of “Sf. Spiridon” Hospitals, the Society of Physicians and Naturalists (SMN), and the Michaelian Academy. The first two establishments spatially delineated a sacred equilateral triangle with the ‟Gate of Hope” of the University Palace included in this area, a truth that is impossible not to make people think of a deeper meaning.


1. Angelescu N, Târcoveanu E. Istoricul chirurgiei româneşti, in Angelescu N (red). Tratat de patologie chirurgicală, vol. I, Ed. Medicală, Bucureşti 2001.

2. Baran D. Societatea de Medici și Naturaliști Iași – 1833. Prima Academie Europeană a spiritului național, ediția a II-a, Ed. ‟Gr. T. Popa” U.M.F. Iași 2019.

3. Baran Dana, Târcoveanu E. Scurt istoric al învățământului și asistenței medicale din Moldova, in Voinea V, Popescu I (editors), File din istoria medicinei românești, vol. I, Ed. Academiei Române, București, 2020.

4. Izsák S. Farmacia de-a lungul secolelor, Ed. Enciclopedica si Stiintifica, Bucuresti, 1979.

5. Maftei I, Timofte I. Personalităţi ieşene, vol. I – IX, Ed. Întrepinderii Poligrafice Iaşi, 1972.

6. Marinescu C. Gh. Un secol de învăţământ medical superior la Iaşi.1948-1979, vol. II, Int. Poligrafica, Iaşi, 1979.

7. Romanescu C. Un secol de învăţământ medical superior la Iaşi.1879-1948, vol. I, Int. Poligrafica, Iaşi, 1979.

8. Sarbu V. Pagini din istoria chirurgiei româneşti, Ed. Academiei Române, Bucureşti, 2002.

9. Setlacec D. Medicina românească – medicină europeană, vol. I, Ed. Medicala, Bucureşti, 1995- vol. II, Ed. Humanitas Bucureşti 1998.

10. Tarcoveanu E, Chiriac I, Litu M, Epure Oana. Epitropia “Sf. Spiridon” De la origini la glorie, desfiintare si noi inceputuri, vol. I-II, Ed. Danaster Iași, 2000.

11. Târcoveanu E, Scripcariu V. Ctitorii prestigiului, ediția a II-a, Ed. ‟Gr. T. Popa” U.M.F. Iași, 2019.

12. Târcoveanu E, Baran D. “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iași: Tradition, Achievements and expectations. Noesis, 2024, Tome IV, no.1, 21-35.

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