
  • Georgiana ENACHE-LEONTE “Sf. Parascheva” Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases Iasi
  • Raluca Erika IRIMIE-BALUTA “Sf. Parascheva” Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases Iasi
  • M. E. HURMUZACHE “Sf. Parascheva” Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases Iasi
  • Ioana ONOFREI “Sf. Parascheva” Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases Iasi
  • Catalina Mihaela LUCA “Sf. Parascheva” Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases Iasi


Human enterovirus (HEV) infection is transmitted mainly by the fecal-oral route and has mostly a subclinical, self - limited evolution. This viral central nervous system (CNS)infection could be fatal in various categories of patients. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the clinical-biological characteristics and outcomes of HEV CNS infections in patients admitted to the “Sf. Parascheva” Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases Iasi, during 2018-2019. Materials and methods: We performed an observational prospective study in patients with confirmed HEV CNS infections (encephalitis / meningitis) by cerebrospinal fluid analysis. Clinical and laboratory data were collected from medical records. Results: Sixty - four patients were included, of which 57.81% were diagnosed with HEV encephalitis. All categories of ages were affected, with a median of 67 years in encephalitis and 56 years for patients with meningitis. The most frequent comorbidities were cardiovascular (44.29% cases). The blood neutrophil - lymphocytes ratio (NLR) was statistically significant higher in case of HEV meningitis compared to encephalitis (12.42 ± 4.12 vs. 7.97 ± 3.86, p = 0.04). There were significant differences regarding NLR measured in cerebrospinal fluid. The median duration of hospitalization was 5.63 days in HEV encephalitis and 10.92 days in HEV meningitis. There were recorded 23.33% cases of death, all in old, immunosuppressed patients (diabetic patients) with HEV encephalitis. Conclusions: HEV CNS infections, are an important cause of mortality in high - risk patients (elderly, immunosuppression). Measurement of NLR could be a useful early diagnostic tool to ensure proper pharmacological management of HEV infections. 

Author Biographies

  • M. E. HURMUZACHE, “Sf. Parascheva” Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases Iasi

    “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iasi, Romania
    Faculty of Medicine

  • Ioana ONOFREI, “Sf. Parascheva” Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases Iasi

    Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iasi, Romania
    Faculty of Medicine

  • Catalina Mihaela LUCA, “Sf. Parascheva” Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases Iasi

    Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iasi, Romania
    Faculty of Medicine


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