Vol. 118 No. 3 (2014): The Medical-Surgical Journal

E. Târcoveanu, Valentina Dorobăţ, D. Dorobăţ, A. Vasilescu: Iaşi School of Medicine is 135 years old [Page: 585]
1. Sînziana Preda, Anca Trifan, Irina Gîrleanu, C. Stanciu, Camelia Cojocariu: Infectious complications in patients with liver cirrhosis [Page: 590]
2. I. Sporea, Alina Popescu: No colorectal cancer screening program in Romania! Thus, start with opportunistic screening [Page: 598]
3. Raluca Haliga, Ancuta Didita, Carmen Anton, L. Sorodoc: Up dates in the pathogenesis and diagnosis of hepatic encephalopathy [Page: 601]
4. Roxana-Maria Nemes, Paraschiva Postolache, Doina-Clementina Cojocaru,
Mimi-Floarea Nitu: Tracheomalacia in children and adults - not so rare as expected [Page: 608]
5. Oana Teslariu, M. Nechifor, P. Plămădeală, Ingrith Crenguţa Miron: Influence of Montelukast on cisplatin-induced experi-mental acute renal failure [Page: 612]
6. A. O. Petris, D. Iliescu, D. M. Alexandrescu, Irina-Iuliana Costache: Ischemic mitral regurgitation in patients with acute myocardial infarction [Page: 618]
7. O. Mitu, F. Mitu, S. Constantin, Elena Cojocaru, Maria-Magdalena Leon: Therapeutical considerations in associated atrial fibrillation and heart failure [Page: 624]
8. F. Mitu, Elena Rezuş, Claudia Banu, Cristina Jufă, O. Mitu, Corina Dima-Cozma: Inflammatory markers in hypertensive patients and influence of some associated metabolic risk factor [Page: 631]
9. Corina Dima-Cozma, F. Mitu1, Luana Macovei, Oana Arhire, Elena Rezuş: Differentiation of rheumatoid arthritis from hepatitis c-related arthropathy: case report [Page: 637]
10. Laura Gheucă Solovăstru, D. Vâţă, Laura Stătescu, Elena Andrese: Pachydermodactyly- role of local corticotherapy [Page: 643]
11. Paraschiva Postolache, Roxana-Maria Nemeş, Doina-Clementina Cojocaru: Progressive dyspnea – comprehensive evaluation of a common symptom [Page: 649]
12. Amalia Orac, Anca Artenie, Mihaela Paula Toader, Raluca Harnagea, Diana Dinu-Mitrofan, Mirela Grigorovici, G. Ungureanu: Sneddon syndrome: rare disease or under diagnosed clinical entity? Review of the literature related to a clinical case [Page: 654]
13. O.B. Bodnar, L. I. Vatamanesku, B. M. Bodnar, R. I. Sydorchuk: Surgical treatment of chronic colostasis in children: a ten-year experience [Page: 661]
14. Nicoleta Anton Apreutesei, D. Chiselita, O. I. Motas: Glaucoma evolution in patients with diabetes [Page: 667]
15. Lidia Ionescu, R. Dănilă, D. Timofte, Doina Butcovan, Cipriana Stefanescu: Multidisciplinary treated thymomas with fatal outcome. a retrospective study [Page: 675]
16. Saima Anwar, S. Mehmood, F. Siddiqui, N. Khurshaidi: Management dilemmas of retroperitoneal paraganglioma: report of a case [Page: 679]
17. M. G. Dabija, B. F. Iliescu, D. Andronic, C. Popescu, N. Ianovici: Rare complication of the cervical spine trauma – traumatic esophageal fistula: case report and review of the literature [Page: 683]
18. Ioana Cristina Amihăesei, Elena Cojocaru: Main neuroendocrine features, diagnosis and therapeutic possibilities in the chronic fatigue syndrome, an underdiagnosed entity [Page: 688]
19. Andreea Silvana Szalontay: Physiopathological and therapeutical correlations in alcohol dependence [Page: 692]
20. A. Pînzariu, Allia Șindilar, Raluca Haliga, Liliana Chelaru, Veronica Mocanu: Nutritional factors in transdifferentiation of scheletal muscles to adipocytes [Page: 699]
21. Iuliana Zavadovschi: Pain as a late emotional reaction. clinical research evaluating the psychosocial expression of pain disorder in preoperative and postoperative period [Page: 706]
22. Diana Ciubotariu, M. Nechifor: Sertraline influence on morphine-induced conditioned place preference in rats [Page: 712]
23. S.D. Miron, V. Astărăstoae: Long term biological effects induced by ionizing radiation – implications for dose mediated risk [Page: 717]
24. Viviana Aursulesei, Iulia Cristina Roca: Long term biological effects induced by ionizing radiation – implications for dose mediated risk [Page: 724]
25. Maria Alexandra Largu, Carmen Mihaela Dorobăţ, L. Prisacariu, Cristina Nicolau, V. Astărăstoae, Carmen Manciuc: The psycho-emotional profile of the hiv-positive naïve patient [Page: 733]
26. Carmen Manciuc, Carmen Mihaela Dorobăţ, F.Roşu, V. Astărăstoae, Maria Alexandra Largu: The HIV-positive patient in intensive care – psychological profile [Page: 738]
27. Olga-Odetta Duma, Solange Tamara Roşu, M. Manole, F.D. Petrariu, Brânduşa Constantin: Disparities in the access to primary healthcare in rural areas from the county of Iasi - Romania [Page: 743]
28. Carmen Mihaela Dorobăţ, Ana Maria Haliciu, Codrina Bejan: Interdisciplinary correlations regarding the clinical and paraclinical evaluations in HIV-positive pregnant women [Page: 749]
29. M. D. Ciobotaru, Mariana Luca, Roxana Gabriela Cobzaru: Surgical management of pulmonary hydatidosis in children [Page: 753]
30. Codrina Bejan, Simona Constantinescu, G. Dorobăţ, Carmen Dorobăţ: Hepatorenal dysfunction in sepsis: epidemiological, clinical and laboratory aspects [Page: 759]
31. Livia Genoveva Baroi, J. Verbist, P. Peeters, R. F. Popa: Clinical and epidemiological assessment concerning hybrid revascularization techniques in the treatment of multilevel arterial occlusive disease [Page: 764]
32. Alamir Diaa, Elena Popa, Agnes Bacusca, Maria Gabriela Traian, Rodica Petrovanu, Adorata Elena Coman: Epidemiological study of metabolic syndrome and risk of diabetes mellitus in a rural family medicine practice in Bacau county [Page: 772]
33. D. Tucaliuc, O. Alexa, Cristina Gabriela Tuchiluş, Ramona Gabriela Ursu, Elena Simona Tucaliuc, Luminiţa Smaranda Iancu: Analysis of antibiotic resistance pattern of S.aureus strains isolated from the orthopedics–traumatology section of “Sf. Spiridon” Clinical Emergency Hospital, Iaşi [Page: 780]
34. Mihaela Mihai, Alina-Mihaela Manole, M. Manole, Elena Duca, F.D. Petrariu, D. Moraru: Epidemiological assessments on incidence of acute gastroenteritis in 0-14 aged children, in the Iasi county, Romania, between 2009-2012 [Page: 788]
35. Elenis Gabriela Manafu, Raluca Mihaela Filimon , Irina Jari, F.D. Petrariu, Alina Manole: Clinical epidemiological study on the incidence of Escherichia coli infections in the cancer patients admitted to Surgery Department II of the Iasi Regional Oncology Institute in 2013 [Page: 796]
36. Beatrice Ioan, M. Neagu, Irina Manoilescu, Teodora Plăieşu, Simona Damian: Utility of autopsy in medical education - students’ opinions and attitudes [Page: 801]
37. Ionela Cristina Deliu, E.F. Georgescu, Maria Cristina Bezna: Analysis of prognostic factors in colorectal carcinoma [Page: 808]
38. Daciana Elena Brănişteanu, Gabriela Stoleriu, A. Oanţă, Carmen Mihaela Dorobăţ, F.D. Petrariu, Daniela Mihaela Anchidin, Florina Mihaela Filip Ciubotaru, D.C. Brănişteanu: Clinical-epidemiological trends of herpes zoster: a 5-year study [Page: 817]
39. I.C. Lupu, Norina Consuela Forna: Malpraxis risk management in implantology [Page: 823]
40. Diana Nica, Emilia Ianes, S.Brad: CBCT fine preoperrative evaluation of inflammatory radicular cysts and postoperative local integration appreciation of alloplastic grafts materials [Page: 828]
41. Ana Petcu, Adriana Bălan, Laura Maria Vasilca Gavrilă, Carmen Savin: Assessment of the consequences in premature loss of the temporary lower molar [Page: 833]
42. Yllka Deçolli, A. Nemţoi, Sidonia Susanu, Danisia Haba, Ana Petcu: A software tool used in 3D evaluation of the alveolar bone defect in bilateral cleft lip and palate patients [Page: 841]
43. Mihaela Boancă, Eliza Graţiela Popa, R.V. Lupuşoru, V. Poroch, Liliana Mititelu-Tarţău, Cătălina Elena Lupuşoru: The effects of magnesium nanovesicle formulations on spatial memory performance in mice [Page: 847]
44. Gabriela Rusu, F. Mitu, Cătălina Elena Lupuşoru, M. Nechifor, R.V. Lupuşoru, Liliana Mititelu-Tarţău: Effects of two serotoninergic agents on the behavioral manifestations in rats [Page: 854]
45. B. Sevastre, M. Taulescu, I. Marcus, Daniela Benedec, A. Mocanu, Daniela Hanganu: Protective effect of grape seed extract in experi-mental menopausal syndrome [Page: 860]
46. Al. Vasincu, Anca Miron, Veronica Bild: Preliminary research concerning antinociceptive and antiinflammatory effects of two extracts from Glinus oppositifolius (L.) Aug. DC. [Page: 866]