Vol. 118 No. 3 (2014): The Medical-Surgical Journal

					View Vol. 118 No. 3 (2014): The Medical-Surgical Journal

E. Târcoveanu, Valentina Dorobăţ, D. Dorobăţ, A. VasilescuIaşi School of Medicine is 135 years old [Page: 585] 

1. Sînziana Preda, Anca Trifan, Irina Gîrleanu, C. Stanciu, Camelia CojocariuInfectious complications in patients with liver cirrhosis [Page: 590]
2. I. Sporea, Alina PopescuNo colorectal cancer screening program in Romania! Thus, start with opportunistic screening [Page: 598]
3. Raluca Haliga, Ancuta Didita, Carmen Anton, L. SorodocUp dates in the pathogenesis and diagnosis of hepatic encephalopathy [Page: 601]
4. Roxana-Maria Nemes, Paraschiva Postolache, Doina-Clementina Cojocaru,
Mimi-Floarea Nitu
Tracheomalacia in children and adults - not so rare as expected   [Page: 608]

5. Oana Teslariu, M. Nechifor, P. Plămădeală, Ingrith Crenguţa MironInfluence of Montelukast on cisplatin-induced experi-mental acute renal failure [Page: 612]
6. A. O. Petris, D. Iliescu, D. M. Alexandrescu, Irina-Iuliana CostacheIschemic mitral regurgitation in patients with acute myocardial infarction [Page: 618]
7. O. Mitu, F. Mitu, S. Constantin, Elena Cojocaru, Maria-Magdalena LeonTherapeutical considerations in associated atrial fibrillation and heart failure [Page: 624]
8. F. Mitu, Elena Rezuş, Claudia Banu, Cristina Jufă, O. Mitu, Corina Dima-CozmaInflammatory markers in hypertensive patients and influence of some associated metabolic risk factor [Page: 631]

9. Corina Dima-Cozma, F. Mitu1, Luana Macovei, Oana Arhire, Elena RezuşDifferentiation of rheumatoid arthritis from hepatitis c-related arthropathy: case report [Page: 637]
10. Laura Gheucă Solovăstru, D. Vâţă, Laura Stătescu, Elena AndresePachydermodactyly- role of local corticotherapy [Page: 643]
11. Paraschiva Postolache, Roxana-Maria Nemeş, Doina-Clementina CojocaruProgressive dyspnea – comprehensive evaluation of a common symptom [Page: 649]
12. Amalia Orac, Anca Artenie, Mihaela Paula Toader, Raluca Harnagea, Diana Dinu-Mitrofan, Mirela Grigorovici, G. UngureanuSneddon syndrome: rare disease or under diagnosed clinical entity? Review of the literature related to a clinical case [Page: 654]

13. O.B. Bodnar, L. I. Vatamanesku, B. M. Bodnar, R. I. SydorchukSurgical treatment of chronic colostasis in children: a ten-year experience [Page: 661]
14. Nicoleta Anton Apreutesei, D. Chiselita, O. I. MotasGlaucoma evolution in patients with diabetes [Page: 667]
15. Lidia Ionescu, R. Dănilă, D. Timofte, Doina Butcovan, Cipriana StefanescuMultidisciplinary treated thymomas with fatal outcome. a retrospective study [Page: 675]

16. Saima Anwar, S. Mehmood, F. Siddiqui, N. KhurshaidiManagement dilemmas of retroperitoneal paraganglioma: report of a case [Page: 679]
17. M. G. Dabija, B. F. Iliescu, D. Andronic, C. Popescu, N. IanoviciRare complication of the cervical spine trauma – traumatic esophageal fistula: case report and review of the literature [Page: 683]


18. Ioana Cristina Amihăesei, Elena CojocaruMain neuroendocrine features, diagnosis and therapeutic possibilities in the chronic fatigue syndrome, an underdiagnosed entity [Page: 688]
19. Andreea Silvana SzalontayPhysiopathological and therapeutical correlations in alcohol dependence [Page: 692]
20. A. Pînzariu, Allia Șindilar, Raluca Haliga, Liliana Chelaru, Veronica MocanuNutritional factors in transdifferentiation of scheletal muscles to adipocytes [Page: 699]

21. Iuliana ZavadovschiPain as a late emotional reaction. clinical research evaluating the psychosocial expression of pain disorder in preoperative and postoperative period [Page: 706]
22. Diana Ciubotariu, M. NechiforSertraline influence on morphine-induced conditioned place preference in rats [Page: 712]


23. S.D. Miron, V. AstărăstoaeLong term biological effects induced by ionizing radiation – implications for dose mediated risk [Page: 717]
24. Viviana Aursulesei, Iulia Cristina RocaLong term biological effects induced by ionizing radiation – implications for dose mediated risk [Page: 724]

25. Maria Alexandra Largu, Carmen Mihaela Dorobăţ, L. Prisacariu, Cristina Nicolau, V. Astărăstoae, Carmen ManciucThe psycho-emotional profile of the hiv-positive naïve patient [Page: 733]
26. Carmen Manciuc, Carmen Mihaela Dorobăţ, F.Roşu, V. Astărăstoae, Maria Alexandra LarguThe HIV-positive patient in intensive care – psychological profile [Page: 738]
27. Olga-Odetta Duma, Solange Tamara Roşu, M. Manole, F.D. Petrariu, Brânduşa ConstantinDisparities in the access to primary healthcare in rural areas from the county of Iasi - Romania [Page: 743]
28. Carmen Mihaela Dorobăţ, Ana Maria Haliciu, Codrina BejanInterdisciplinary correlations regarding the clinical and paraclinical evaluations in HIV-positive pregnant women [Page: 749]
29. M. D. Ciobotaru, Mariana Luca, Roxana Gabriela CobzaruSurgical management of pulmonary hydatidosis in children [Page: 753]
30. Codrina Bejan, Simona Constantinescu, G. Dorobăţ, Carmen DorobăţHepatorenal dysfunction in sepsis: epidemiological, clinical and laboratory aspects [Page: 759]
31. Livia Genoveva Baroi, J. Verbist, P. Peeters, R. F. PopaClinical and epidemiological assessment concerning hybrid revascularization techniques in the treatment of multilevel arterial occlusive disease [Page: 764]
32. Alamir Diaa, Elena Popa, Agnes Bacusca, Maria Gabriela Traian, Rodica Petrovanu, Adorata Elena ComanEpidemiological study of metabolic syndrome and risk of diabetes mellitus in a rural family medicine practice in Bacau county [Page: 772]
33. D. Tucaliuc, O. Alexa, Cristina Gabriela Tuchiluş, Ramona Gabriela Ursu, Elena Simona Tucaliuc, Luminiţa Smaranda IancuAnalysis of antibiotic resistance pattern of S.aureus strains isolated from the orthopedics–traumatology section of “Sf. Spiridon” Clinical Emergency Hospital, Iaşi [Page: 780]
34. Mihaela Mihai, Alina-Mihaela Manole, M. Manole, Elena Duca, F.D. Petrariu, D. MoraruEpidemiological assessments on incidence of acute gastroenteritis in 0-14 aged children, in the Iasi county, Romania, between 2009-2012 [Page: 788]
35. Elenis Gabriela Manafu, Raluca Mihaela Filimon , Irina Jari, F.D. Petrariu, Alina ManoleClinical epidemiological study on the incidence of Escherichia coli infections in the cancer patients admitted to Surgery Department II of the Iasi Regional Oncology Institute in 2013 [Page: 796]
36. Beatrice Ioan, M. Neagu, Irina Manoilescu, Teodora Plăieşu, Simona DamianUtility of autopsy in medical education - students’ opinions and attitudes [Page: 801]
37. Ionela Cristina Deliu, E.F. Georgescu, Maria Cristina BeznaAnalysis of prognostic factors in colorectal carcinoma [Page: 808]
38. Daciana Elena Brănişteanu, Gabriela Stoleriu, A. Oanţă, Carmen Mihaela Dorobăţ, F.D. Petrariu, Daniela Mihaela Anchidin, Florina Mihaela Filip Ciubotaru, D.C. BrănişteanuClinical-epidemiological trends of herpes zoster: a 5-year study [Page: 817]

39. I.C. Lupu, Norina Consuela FornaMalpraxis risk management in implantology [Page: 823]

40. Diana Nica, Emilia Ianes, S.BradCBCT fine preoperrative evaluation of inflammatory radicular cysts and postoperative local integration appreciation of alloplastic grafts materials [Page: 828]
41. Ana Petcu, Adriana Bălan, Laura Maria Vasilca Gavrilă, Carmen SavinAssessment of the consequences in premature loss of the temporary lower molar [Page: 833]
42. Yllka Deçolli, A. Nemţoi, Sidonia Susanu, Danisia Haba, Ana PetcuA software tool used in 3D evaluation of the alveolar bone defect in bilateral cleft lip and palate patients [Page: 841]


43. Mihaela Boancă, Eliza Graţiela Popa, R.V. Lupuşoru, V. Poroch, Liliana Mititelu-Tarţău, Cătălina Elena LupuşoruThe effects of magnesium nanovesicle formulations on spatial memory performance in mice [Page: 847]
44. Gabriela Rusu, F. Mitu, Cătălina Elena Lupuşoru, M. Nechifor, R.V. Lupuşoru, Liliana Mititelu-TarţăuEffects of two serotoninergic agents on the behavioral manifestations in rats [Page: 854]
45. B. Sevastre, M. Taulescu, I. Marcus, Daniela Benedec, A. Mocanu, Daniela Hanganu: Protective effect of grape seed extract in experi-mental menopausal syndrome [Page: 860]
46. Al. Vasincu, Anca Miron, Veronica BildPreliminary research concerning antinociceptive and antiinflammatory effects of two extracts from Glinus oppositifolius (L.) Aug. DC.  [Page: 866]

Published: 2014-09-30